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November 2019



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Posts Tagged: 'caitlin+snow'

Oct. 13th, 2019



13 October | Joel Goran

I'm still amazed at how quickly places were fixed and up and running.

Atlantis General is the cleanest and strangest hospital I've ever worked in. Someone came in arguing with a stuffed monkey.

Sep. 30th, 2019



30 September | Davina Claire

Josh the Cat just got into a fight with an apple. I suppose this means he isn't a fan of Cider Fest.

Sep. 27th, 2019



[No Subject]

This place never ceases to amaze me. I was thinking the other day about how I missed Queen Manor even if my mother's decorating style was a little bit over the top for me.I was hoping to remodel it one day but it burned down so that never happened.

Well guess what? Atlantis brought it back and it's much more to my taste which means less antiques, an indoor gym, and a huge kitchen. And everything is already moved including Symba.

[Clarke, Madi, Harley, Caitin, Sara/Emily]

Harley, Clarke and I would love it if you would come live with us. You'd have all the privacy you want, there is plenty of room and you are more than welcome.

Caitlin, it goes without saying that you are also invited.

Sara and Emily, we'd love to have you too but if you'd rather have a place to yourself, I understqand. You can still come over and use the gym, the pool, whatever you want. Come for dinner, I don't care but if you want to stay, that would be great.


What about Bellamy? He's more than welcome but I didn't want to say anything without talking to you.

Sep. 14th, 2019



September 14 | Fred Burkle

I'm so sorry about Faith. I know you were only starting to get to know her here, but she was still a slayer like you.

I'm going to be spending most of my time in Medical helping to get ready people for transport to Mako. Have you thought about going with the group to the island?
I'm guessing I'd have a really, really hard time convincing you to go to Mako, wouldn't I?
Today has been hard, and it's likely going to get harder. I'm so sorry to anyone who has lost someone close to them or if you're worried about those who are injured. As Captain Becker mentioned, the badly injured will be transported over to Mako Island, so they're going to need hands and a lot of help there. We'll also need help here too for those that are staying and if any other attacks happen.

I plan to stay to help coordinate any transfers and helping to make sure our supplies are covered here and there. It's possible I may join the others on Mako at a later point, but right now, I plan to stay.

For those that are staying and those going to Mako: please be careful, and if there is anything anyone needs, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or your direct LCDRs. Thank you all for everything you're doing.
Please be careful.

[*assume away]




It's been a rough night, we've suffered loses. My personal condolences to those that have lost family and friends. We all feel your pain.

Sharon's mentioned what we're doing with Mako. We've set up a hospital on THE island, a safe place for kids and pets as well as homes.

If you are considering going, please arrive at the Mako entrance by 10:00 in the village. This is not the last time you'll be able to go, but it will be the first wave and I strongly encourage anyone who thinks they can help at the hospital or keep the children and pets safe on Mako to go. We need support there.

There will be other group trips to Mako and you'll get encrypted information when they are.

Be safe everyone, and keep your eyes open. We will not let COS take us down.

I'm not going to force anyone to go anywhere but we need talented doctors and medical staff on Mako.

The war isn't going anywhere and it is likely there will be more attacks. You'll be getting the worst injured as quickly as possible and you'll need to be ready.

Both Pike and Octavia are in the morgue at the base. Their bodies are secure and as soon as we are able to honor them, we will.



Sept 14 | Clarke Griffin

[OOC: after the housing battles are over and the wounded have been tended to/stabilized]

In peace, may you leave this shore.
In love, may you find the next.
Safe passage on your travels,
until our final journey to the ground.
May we meet again.

To those of you who lost loved ones, I'm sorry.

I don't know what to say. I'm sorry seems so empty.

I'm so sorry. If you and the girls need anything... I'm here.

We're going to Mako. No arguments.

Sep. 9th, 2019



[No Subject]

[Filtered: Intake and leaders (feel free to assume. If your character is in a leadership position of any kind, they can read)

I may not be in charge of Intake by any means. I am not an agent. Nor am I skilled on the battle field, as my own history has proven. When we were under siege back home, I protected those who could not fight in a tomb, because it was the only safe place. Or so we thought. I am still armed with Valryian steel, which is among the toughest in my world. I have a dagger my sister gave me. It's not much.

What I can do is organize and leverage what we do have. Who's injured? Who can heal? I'm sorry I wasn't at intake this morning, as I normally would have been, but perhaps there's a reason for it. Who has what supplies?

At the very least, I can do this much. Please forgive me if I am overstepping my bounds, but I feel as if now is the time to act. If war has taught me anything, I agree that this is but one attack.

Aug. 5th, 2019



05 August - 05:33 | Caroline Salvatore

I wonder if the mints will become a nightly thing.

My team has been called on a mission, they don't think it should last more than a few days to a week.

Don't do anything crazy while I'm gone.

Jul. 30th, 2019



03 AUGUST | FRIEND SPEED DATE! (Forward dated)

3 august | cava
please keep everything r and under
Read more... )

Jul. 24th, 2019



july 23 :: nick stokes

So, Atlantis, uh? Okay, I guess I go with it.

I'm Nick Stokes. I'll be working with the Atlantis Police Department as the new CSI.

Any good places to eat where I can take my dog too?

Jul. 23rd, 2019



23 July | Joel Goran

I'm never going to get used to this other worlds thing.

I heard a rumour this place needed more doctors.

Well, here I am. Dr. Joel Goran.

Jul. 15th, 2019



july 15 :: steve harrington

Friendly reminder that this Saturday 20th we'll be having MOVIE NIGHT.

Let me know if you're coming and if you have any movie requests (or if you vote for one of the suggestions we already have). So far we've got:

  • Raising Arizona.
  • John Hughs Marathon.1 VOTE
  • The Goonies.
  • ET.
  • James Bond Marathon (No Timothy Dalton). 1 VOTE
  • Jurassic Park Marathon.
  • The Princess Bride. 6 VOTES
  • Indiana Jones Marathon.
  • 80s Fantasy Movies.

    violet parr.
    You think we should have it at my place like the others or somewhere else bigger?
  • Jul. 11th, 2019



    [No Subject]

    [Failed Filter to the Magic leaders/Atlantis HQ - intended to be minus Remus, but]

    Is there a way to take magic out of somebody completely? Atlantis has dulled people's magic before, right? I just don't think I was meant to have it and I'm honestly happy just as I am. I'm never going to be a prodigy or anything like that, so...yeah.
    It's not like I haven't been practicing, but it doesn't really help much and I feel like there's a threshold you cross with magic if you don't tame it before a certain age. Free coffee for life if you can figure it out, swear down.

    I have some theories.

    [10th July: Did you write something private to someone? Well, sorry, there is no such thing as filters today the problem? You will not notice it right away! However, everything can read everything that is written today.]

    Oct. 27th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    That maze was such bullshit. What's with this place???

    Oct. 22nd, 2018



    netpost; ray palmer October 22

    Posted early hours of Monday morning

    At least the candy corn rain has stopped.

    I'm taking a few days. I need to [...] re-calibrate myself.

    I'm sorry about Wally.

    He knew he died
    I can't

    Oct. 20th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    I'm in what some might call a predicament. An upside down predicament.

    Yarn related.

    And someone is unhelpfully not coming out to play.

    Sep. 30th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    I guess it's cause there's not much me in here, but does anyone feel that who they were in Breckintale was...

    I don't know what I'm trying to say here but, weirdly part of you still? Maybe a what might have been, bits of personality you didn't let out or just didn't know you had?

    How much of them was us I guess?

    Ugh this is what happens when I try to get deep. Who wants to buy me a cold one?

    Sep. 29th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    God damn, Atlantis.

    It's like the coins held it in all over the past two months and then like, let it out. There's an analogy there I'm not gonna make.

    Sep. 25th, 2018



    netpost; ray palmer

    Boy, am I glad to have my suit back.

    Everyone back? All okay? Well, as okay as you can be, considering. New houses are interesting. I think I need a drink.

    [ooc: filter is all dctv]

    Aug. 14th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    I have a night off tomorrow and I'm actually excited to catch up on some studying.

    Who even am I anymore?